Friday May 24, 2024

38 // Declutter Kids Outdoor Clothes and Shoes By Creating A Simple Inventory List

Welcome back to Fun Friday's!

Have you ever arrived home from the store, SO excited about the new winter coat you just scored on sale. As you're telling your husband, "Look how cute it is! It was only 20 bucks!"

He says, "doesn't she have a new winter coat already..?" Indeed, he is right! You totally forgot that you had already purchased a coat and now have to go to the hassle of returning it.

I don't know about you, but with so many kids in the house I have a hard time keeping track of what clothes and shoes we have at any given time. Specifically outdoor wear as those items tend to be the most expensive and are passed down from kid to kid.

Have you ever considered keeping track an actual inventory list of the coats, boots, mittens, snow pants, all those things you have. So you know at a glance before the start of ever new season if you need to be buying some larger sizes.

Or when you are at the store to help talk yourself OUT of purchasing that coat you don't need because you can easily see from your list that you already have a winter coat in that exact same size at home...just a slightly different style.

Well friend, I have tips for you today to help you tackle this project for yourself so you never have to wonder again.

In this episode today, we will talk about...

The three steps you can follow to create your own simple inventory list, to help you know EXACTLY what outdoor wear you already have. As well as knowing exactly what size you need for the following season.

By creating an inventory list of your children's outdoor clothing and shoes it benefits you by...

1. Preventing over-buying of items you do not need

2. Knowing exactly WHEN to take advantage of good deals and sales at the change of seasons so you are prepared with the right size of coats, shoes etc for the following season

3. Have a better idea of what articles of clothing you can pass on to siblings or friends and family


Next Steps for You...


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